Webinars Oncoimmuno FRJP

 Webinar series

dedicated to basic and translational Immunology

On behalf of the French National Cancer Institute (INCa)*, the Japanese Society for Immunology (JSI)** and the French Society of Immunology (SFI)*** are organizing a webinar series dedicated to basic and translational Immunology. 

During each webinar, a Japanese and a French speaker – internationally renowned for their work and contribution to our understanding of the immune system’s biological  process – will be presenting their work and will discuss the most recent advances in their field.

These webinars will be the opportunity to get an overview of the basic science that is leading to the development of the current and the future game-changing antitumoral immunotherapies

From 10 to 11.30 am (CEST) – From 5 to 6.30 pm (JST)

Functions of two humoral memory populations and their generation mechanisms
→ Read the abstract

The successful establishment of humoral memory response depends on at least two layers of defense. Pre-existing protective antibodies secreted by long-lived plasma cells (LLPCs) act as a first line of defense against reinfection (“constitutive humoral memory”). Previously, a second line of defense in which pathogen-experienced memory B cells are rapidly reactivated to produce antibodies (“reactive humoral memory”), was considered as simply a back-up system for the first line (particularly for re-infection with homologous viruses). By using influenza model system, we found that, in the case of re-infection with similar but different strains of viruses, the constitutive humoral memory (LLPCs) is no more protective, while reactive humoral memory (memory B cells) plays a crucial role. These somewhat differential roles of LLPCs and memory B cells promoted us to look for the generation mechanisms of the two compartments in germinal centers (GCs). We proposed the affinity instruction model, whereby a high-affinity or low-affinity BCR is the primary determinant for LLPC or memory B cell generation, respectively. I will present the experimental data to support this model.    

Tomohiro Kurosaki, MD, PhD
RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Osaka University, Japan

Unveiling the molecular basis of T cell malfunctions and disordersusing multi-omics approaches
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T cells play a central role in adaptive immunity. Although the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) primarily controls T cell physiology, it does not work in isolation and the signals it triggers are tuned by a multitude of other surface receptors that deliver positive (costimulators) and negative (coinhibitors) informations about the state of activation of antigen-presenting cells (primarily dendritic cells). Therapeutic antibodies (immune-checkpoint inhibitors) blocking coinhibitors have become standard treatment for several malignant conditions, leading to a revival in the study of T cell coinhibition and costimulation. However, we lack a satisfying comprehension of the way T cells integrate inputs from multiple signalling pathways and use inter-pathway crosstalk to make informed decisions. To make sense of the formidable complexity of the signal transduction networks involved in T cell activation and the role played by the different types of dendritic cells in T cell activation, we combined “omic” and mouse genetics. It allowed us to decipher in a time-resolved and quantitative manner the dynamics of the protein signaling complexes (signalosomes) that assemble in primary T cells following physiologic TCR engagement. To further illustrate the interest of multi-omics approaches, I will present recent data generated with several Japanese collaborators and demonstrating how corrupted LAT signalosomes lead to an inflammatory and autoimmune disease recapitulating human IgG4-related disease.

Bernard Malissen, PhD
Marseille-Luminy Immunology center (CIML), France


*The French National Cancer Institute (INCa) is the State health and science agency specialised in cancer control established under the French Public Health Act of August 9, 2004. It operates under the dual auspices of the French Ministry of Health and Solidarities and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. INCa’s area of intervention for cancer control spans from research, prevention, screening to care. To promote cancer research, INCa manages several funding programs, structuring activities and is dedicated to scientific animation of the research community.
http://www.e-cancer.fr/ twitter

**The Japanese Society for Immunology (JSI)
JSI was established in 1970 and has been a member of the Japanese Society for Medical Science since 1976. JSI has approximately 3,400 members.

***The French Society of Immunology (SFI)
SFI was created in 1966 at the initiative of immunologist Pierre Grabar. The SFI was one of the ten national societies that participated in the creation of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) and in 1975 in the creation of the European Federation of Immunological Societies. The society counts around 1500 members.

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